Freshman “Squad” Members Endorse Bernie Sanders


Three of the four freshman house members known as “The Squad” have thrown their endorsement to Bernie Sanders. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the first to state her support for Sanders. Cortez was an organizer for Sanders during his 2016 campaign for president. She is scheduled to appear with Sanders this Saturday, at a rally in Queens, New York, which is part of her district.

Bernie hinted that he would be revealing a ‘special guest’ during the presidential debate. Sanders appeared in the democrat debates on CNN along with 11 other democrat candidates for the presidential nomination. Sanders suffered a heart attack and had emergency surgery earlier this month.

Freshman house member Ilhan Omar released a statement Tuesday night giving Sanders her support in his bid for the White House. She stated:

Bernie is leading a working class movement to defeat Donald Trump that transcends generation, ethnicity and geography…I believe Bernie Sanders is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump in 2020.

Rashida Tlaib is reportedly planning to follow suit and back Sanders as her democrat presidential candidate of choice. Leftist voters are ecstatic over the endorsements.

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