MKULTRA For Use On Conservatives


The other day, I was opening up the internet with Firefox Mozilla.  Usually, I ignore their headlines because I’m so used to seeing left wing propaganda foisted upon us.  However, I saw the headline, and had to click on the clickbait.  “How a dose of MDMA transformed a White Supremacist“. It was how someone they call “Brendan” quit a “Midwest faction of Identity Europa” and was now devoting himself to love after he got a dose of MDMA (ecstasy). 

Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading about the JFK assassination and the CIA’s experiments in MKULTRA with mind control through drugs that I found this interesting.  Supposedly, even Charles Manson may have been caught up in the CIA’s mind control experiments. 

It reminded me of a story I heard from a college roommate.  He said some friends of his got ahold of some ecstasy (MDMA) and took it in New York City.  They went walking in Central Park at night and saw some guy getting mugged, a royal beat down.  They looked on the scene and saw it as being so beautiful, as if everything was right with the world.  Being dumb college kids, we thought that a drug that could make you feel euphoria even while seeing a horrific scene must be a wonderful ride.  Fortunately, I never ran into the drug in my young naïve years.  Otherwise, I could have become acquainted with suicide Tuesday

In any case, I speculate that the purpose of running a story about “Brendan” was to encourage young liberals to try to dose their conservative relatives with MDMA in the hopes that this will cause the conservatives to quit the Republican party and take foreigners into their homes in the name of love.  (Maybe they can get lucky and accidentally give him some fentanyl by “accident”). 

Years back, I remember reading a story on a conservative blog where one of the commenters was saying that he became something of a race realist after taking a dose of LSD, then seeing a black person and thinking to himself, “There’s no way we are the same species.” 

So, note to college kids getting ready to dose your conservative uncle by dropping something in his beer at the 4th of July family barbecue in the hopes of changing his political views; make sure you give him the right drug.  Maybe, you can get him to smoke whatever Joe Rogan has been taking recently.  It seems to be opening some eyes.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century".

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.

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