180 Liberal CEO’s Take Out Full Page Pro-Abortion Ad in NYT


Top executives from more than 180 companies take out NYT ad saying that restricting abortion is “bad for business.” They are talking to lawmakers of course. Since so many politicians are in the pockets of big business, they might even be listening.

A letter endorsed by the top business execs from well known companies such as Square, Twitter, and Yelp, appeared as a full-page ad in Monday’s New York Times, proclaiming that:

“It’s time for companies to stand up for reproductive health care.”

They argue that limiting access to comprehensive healthcare, including abortion, threatens

“the health, independence, and economic stability of our employees and customers.”

The letter goes on to say that restrictive abortion laws are “against their values and make it difficult for these corporate to build diverse work places.

Three of the world’s biggest entertainment companies, Netflix (NFLX), Disney (DIS) and WarnerMedia (a sub of AT&T, parent company of CNN), have threatened to stop producing movies and TV shows in Georgia and other states, if restrictive abortion laws arent overturned. Disney, however, continues to film in foreign countries with strict bans on abortion and LGBT lifestyles.

The 180 execs were originally approached and later organized by a coalition of social justice groups, including the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America. The coalition is calling the campaign “Don’t Ban Equality” and has launched a website that invites other company executives to endorse the effort. Naral’s president, Ilyse Hogue, said that she commends these executives for “taking a stand on behalf of their employees, customers, and communities.”

Several company execs expect push back from customers and employees. But they insist that their stand isn’t political and reflects the important value of personal freedom.

Here’s a List of the Companies and executives who have signed on to the letter:

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