Antifa Member Sentenced for Baton Attack at Portland Rally


A rally in Portland on June 29 ended up with several bloodied attendees including reporter Andy Ngo, Adam Kelly and three police officers. Both Ngo and Kelly were severely beaten by members of Antifa, in unprovoked attacks. Both suffered significant injuries to the head that required extensive medical attention. Kelly, who received several blows to the head with a baton, had a concussion and his injuries required 26 staples. The masked Antifa thug responsible for Adam Kelly’s injuries has now come to justice.

The attacker, Gage Halupowski, plead guilty to second-degree assault in connection with the horrific attack on Kelly. He was sentenced to 6 years in prison for his crimes.

Although he wore a mask and attacked Kelly as he came to the aid of another man, he was identified in video of the attack. Halupowski and other masked Antifa were seen pepper-spraying and hitting Kelly.

Halupowski faced 11 charges, leaving the 24-year-old with few options other than taking the plea deal. His attorney tried to argue that Halupowski only hit Kelly once and that other Antifa members also hit him. However, the others have yet to be identified.

Halupowski was one of three people arrested during demonstrations. Police at one point declared the protests a civil disturbance. The two other people arrested, James Stocks and Maria Dehart, were charged with harassment and disorderly conduct.

Stocks, 21, plead no contest to harassment and was sentenced to a year of probation and 50 hours of community service. He admitted to throwing a milkshake at several right-leaning protesters.

Dehart, 23, has plead not guilty to her charges and is scheduled to appear in court on Nov. 13.

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