The Washington Pundit has reported several times on what now appears to be the fact that Ilhan Omar married her brother. Although Omar herself continues to deny these allegations, several pieces of evidence seem to point to the truth of the matter. Even her hometown newspaper has begun digging deeper into the marriage to her brother, as well as apparent campaign finance violations and possible immigration fraud.
Proof: The Omar-Elmi Marriage Certificate
The incendiary rumor of her incestuous marriage first appeared during her election campaign in 2016 and prompted a heated response by Omar calling the allegations an Islamophobia. Several reports showing an unusual overlap in her nuptials to Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi (her first and current husband) and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi (her second, ex-husband, and reportedly her brother) remain unexplained.
At least one corroborating photo purports to shows Ilhan Omar at an event with both of her husbands.

Omar’s Hometown Newspaper Investigates
The Gateway Pundit reported that they have received new information from anonymous sources that “are hesitant to go public due to concerns of retribution from certain segments in the US Somali community.”
Their source has revealed evidence showing that the marriage certificate between Omar and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, her purported brother, has his birthdate as April 4, 1985. The birth date on the marriage certificate matches the birth date for her brother’s from his high school enrollment records. The divorce certificate for Omar and Elmi also lists April 4, 1985 as his birthday.
TGB quotes David Steinberg of PJ Media as saying:
According to official student enrollment records archived by St. Paul Public Schools and the state of Minnesota, an “Ahmed N. Elmi” was enrolled as a senior in the Class of 2003 at Arlington Senior High School in St. Paul, MN, from September 6, 2002, until June 10, 2003. He graduated and received a diploma.
The enrollment record states that “Ahmed N. Elmi” was born on April 4, 1985.
Both Ilhan Omar’s 2009 marriage documents and her 2017 divorce proceedings state that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was born on April 4, 1985.
After an extensive background search, I have not been able to find any other person named “Ahmed Nur Said Elmi,” “Ahmed N. Elmi,” or even “Ahmed Elmi” with the birthdate April 4, 1985. The man Ilhan Omar married and the 17- to 18-year-old who attended Arlington Senior High School in St. Paul, MN, in 2002-2003 are one and the same.
Omar Files Taxes With Two Men Simultaneously
It is also significant that Omar’s brother-husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, has almost the exact same name as her father, Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. It is a common practice in many Islamic countries to have the middle name and last name of children be the same as their father’s name, with only the child’s first name being different.