Chanukkah Stabbing Suspect Charged With Federal Hate Crimes


Grafton Thomas, the alleged purpetrator of the stabbing of five Jewish worshipers in New York has been charged with federal hate crimes. Investigators have recovered journals from the suspect’s home, which contain references to Hitler and Nazi culture. Inspectors also found pictures of the Star of David and Swastika’s drawn in the journal.

Sources close to the matter report that Thomas used his phone to search for information on why Hitler hated Jews, and soon after the attack, searches about the increased police presence in response to the hate crime.

A witness identified the suspect and his car, giving authorities details of the make, model and license plate of the vehicle. Thomas was arrested in Harlem and was covered in blood when he was captured. He was arraigned on Sunday, plead not guilty and is being held on $5 million bond.

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