Clinton Cancels Cyber Security Speech One Day Before Epstein Arrest


You may vaguely recall our report on Hillary Clinton giving the keynote speech at a cyber security summit hosted by FireEye, Inc in Washington, D.C. this fall. The irony was lost on no one, except, it seems, the organizers and the keynote speaker. 

Screen shot of tweet announcing Clinton’s speech. The tweet has since been deleted.

Clinton was under scrutiny for the better part of her 2016 presidential campaign for using a private server for sensitive State Department activity during her tenure as secretary of state. It was worthy of an FBI investigation. While former FBI director James Comey found no reason to pursue criminal charges against Clinton, he did say she had been “extremely careless” with her emails and her treatment of classified material. So, FireEye invited her to offer some advice on a subject with which she clearly struggled.

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