Convicted Child Rapist Caught Crossing Border Again


Border Patrol agents from the El Centro Sector captured an illegal immigrant 17.5 miles west of the Calexico port of entry. A background check revealed that he had been convicted of having sex with a minor three-years-old or younger in Skagit County, Washington.

He has been previously deported.

Bernardino Sanchez-Perea, 30, is a Mexican national who only served 15-months in prison for his heinous crime. He was deported following his term in prison, returned to Mexico in 2011.

He is the 16th illegal alien arrested by El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents this year who had been sought for or convicted of sexual assault crimes.


How many U.S. citizens must suffer before Democrats and mainstream media stop hiding behind their “compassion?” How many children have to fall victim to disgusting sexual predators like Bernardino Sanchez-Perea before the general American population acknowledges that this crisis is much worse than the left wants us to believe?

This is an example of how the Democrats’ solution of putting more people at ports of entry would have done absolutely nothing to prevent this man from crossing over. In fact, it’s possible that if the Democrats have their ways, there wouldn’t have been enough agents away from the ports of entry to even notice this man was crossing.

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