Democrat Nominee Deletes Racist/Homophobic Tweets After Promotion to DCCC


A Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee official tapped last week to lead a new multimillion-dollar initiative to connect with “people of color and younger Americans” deleted thousands of old tweets after the Washington Free Beacon reached out regarding many homophobic and racially insensitive posts.

Tayhlor Coleman, a longtime staffer at the committee, was named the DCCC’s first director of the cycle of engagement, a role DCCC chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos (D., Ill.) said would be a “tremendous challenge.”

“I want to thank Tayhlor Coleman for taking on this tremendous challenge at this critical moment,” Bustos said. “I can think of no one more prepared to lead this effort than her.”

Coleman took to Twitter this month to express her support for the gay community, but her previous posts give a different perspective of her views.

Coleman has also regularly used the phrase “no homo,” a homophobic term born in the rap community used by men to make sure what they said won’t be construed as gay. She once wondered whether male athletes say “no homo” after smacking each other’s butts.

Coleman also once said she was too “concerned about safety” to go to a vending machine because there may be Mexicans there, a fear that may make outreach to the Hispanic community difficult.

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