Democrat Senators To Ukraine: Continue Investigating Trump


Senator Rand Paul appeared on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd where he brought up an interesting incidence of potential ‘quid pro quo’, not by President Donald Trump, but by Democrat senators.

Senator Paul told Todd about a group of Democrat senators who had penned a letter to the Ukrainian Prosecutor, Yuriy Letsenko, asking him about their continued cooperation with the Mueller investigation. The letter, which was signed by Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT), references a May 2, 2018 New York Times article that claims the Ukrainians froze “investigations into four open cases in Ukraine…thereby eliminating scope for cooperation” into Donald Trump and alleged collusion with Russia.

The article goes on to state that the Ukrainians felt the cases were “too sensitive” to continue allowing the investigations.

Whether the letter was meant to threaten Ukraine by voting against future aid is unclear. Senator Paul seems to feel it may and asked for an investigation into the matter.

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