DOJ Inspector General Issues Statement on FISA Abuse Probe


The Washington Examiner is reporting that Justice Department Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, has told House and Senate members that the investigation into FISA abuses is “nearing completion.”

The IG sent a letter to Congress describes the draft report as “lengthy” and contains information concerning “sensitive national security and law enforcement matters.”

According to the article:

After providing the report to the DOJ and the FBI more than a month ago for classification determination and marking, Horowitz said the process is “ongoing” and “consistent with our usual practice when an OIG report involves classified information.” The inspector general said he expects the final report to “be released publicly with few redactions” and does not “anticipate a need to prepare and issue separate classified and public versions of the report.”

Horowitz announced the completion of his year-and-a-half investigation on Sept. 13. In his letter to Congress at the time, Horowitz said his team “reviewed over one million records and conducted over 100 interviews.” He also offered some insight into why his inquiry took longer than expected, noting that several witnesses “only recently agreed to be interviewed.”

Over the past two weeks, allies of President Trump expressed vexation at conflicting signals surrounding the classification review, as it increasingly appeared that an expected October release window may extend into November.

Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, a former chairman of the Judiciary Committee, tweeted this week about how “deep state” forces may be trying to “deep-six” the report.

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