NEWSJUNE 07, 2019
Facebook flags Christian prayer post by Graham Allen as ‘hate speech’
What’s hateful about that?
BlazeTV’s Graham AllenAARON COLEN
A post by BlazeTV host Graham Allen about Christians praying was flagged by Facebook for violating the site’s community standards on hate speech.Ditch the fake news ==> Click here to get news you can trust sent right to your inbox. It’s free!
Blaze Media has appealed Facebook’s decision to censor the post, and is waiting to hear back from the social media company.
Tuesday, Allen posted a video to his Facebook page “Rant Nation with Graham Allen” on the topic of McLean Bible Church pastor David Platt praying for President Donald Trump on stage during a Sunday service.
Allen shared the video with a caption that read “Real Christians…Pray for everyone!!!”
It’s unclear what about the post was considered hateful, as it was not directed at any specific person, and the idea that a Christian should pray for everyone is not likely controversial to anyone familiar with the religion. One might even say that a call to pray for everyone is actually loving, not hateful.
“Free speech is under attack and according to big tech’s gatekeepers, calling for prayer is now hate speech,” a spokesperson for BlazeTV said in a statement. “This is why BlazeTV is such an important alternative and why the support from our audience is so crucial.
Look, big tech used our First Amendment to monopolize the conversation and now they are discarding free speech with the resolve and determination of a dictator. Blaze Media is an alternative to the mainstream media and now the mainstream media increasingly includes big tech. We will not back down when ideologues attempt to suppress the voice of our hosts,” the statement concluded.
The dispute with Facebook comes at the same time that BlazeTV host Steven Crowder is facing the demonetization of his videos on YouTube, spearheaded by complaints from a Vox employee who has accused Crowder of harassment and hate speech.
YouTube’s decision to demonetize Crowder came despite a determination that none of Crowder’s videos, on their own, violated the site’s policies. A YouTube statement cited a “pattern of egregious actions” which has allegedly “harmed the broader community.”
Read more: https://www.theblaze.com/news/facebook-flags-post-on-christian-prayer-by-blazetvs-graham-allen-as-hate-speech