Feds Charge NH Woman Over Threats To Wayne County MI Canvasser.


Katelyn Jones, a 23-year-old former resident of Olivet, Michigan, now residing in Epping, New Hampshire was charged by federal prosecutors today for sending threatening texts to Monica Palmer, Chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers.

According to the Detroit News, Jones was charged with threatening violence through interstate commerce. The FBI Investigation investigated reports that Chairwoman Palmer was threatened over her decision to correctly decline to certify the election results in Wayne County, Michigan.
Jones has been released on bond after a short videoconference to Detroit from a New Hampshire federal court.

The charge filed against Jones is punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

US Attorney Matthew Schneider said in a statement on the case:

The allegations in this case should make all of us disgusted. There is simply no place in Michigan, or in the United States, for chilling threats like this to people who are simply doing what they believe is correct.

FBI Special Agent Emily Munchiando wrote in her affidavit:

On November 18th, Jones sent text messages to Palmer saying; “Damn it was not hard finding all of your information disgusting racist b—-,” one text read. “I don’t tolerate people like you, in fact, I consider you to be a terrorist, and do you know what happens to terrorist[s],” the text read, adding Palmer’s name.

The messages were immediately followed by two graphic photographs of a bloody, deceased, nude, mutilated woman, lying on the ground.

Palmer also received threatening messages on her Instagram page on Nov. 18 from a user named “_etfere.” The user posted Palmer’s address, phone number and husband’s phone number.

“Feel free to leave these disgusting racist (sic) a nice little message on their voicemail or for more fun stop by their house,” the post read.

“Racist terrorist b—-,” read another post. 

“Your daughter is beautiful,” read another post that included a photo of Palmer, her daughter, and husband. “It’d (sic) be a shame if something happened to her. Hmmm I’d (sic) be a shame if something happened to your daughter at school.”

On Tuesday, December 22nd, the FBI raided the house in NH finding Jones inside. Jones admitted to sending the texts.


Palmer notified authorities that she had received the threatening texts after the election.

Palmer said:

Not only has my home and my family been threatened, my employer has been threatened.

There are businesses that I shared a Tweet months ago for a giveaway for a wedding dress. That bridal shop is being harassed and threatened at this point. Where does it end?

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