Ford Foundation Donates Millions For Push to “Defund The Police”


The Ford Foundation was started by Edsel Ford of the Ford Motor Company. It’s mission, according to it’s website, is for “scientific, educational and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare.” Apparently, the foundation believes that defunding the police is in the public interest as it has donated huge sums of money to groups who want to do just that. The irony is, most police officers use Ford vehicles in their fleets, making the company millions of dollars in revenue.

According to Law Enforcement Today:

NEW YORK, NY- Ford Motors built America’s first police cruiser in 1950 and today the company holds roughly 65 percent of the market share for police cars. 

This past May in Detroit, Ford Motors unveiled its newest Police SUV, complete with technology that temporarily raises interior tem

peratures to help reduce “viral concentrations” inside the vehicle.  In 2019, Bill Gubing, a Ford engineer said about its new Interceptor police vehicle:

“Whether patrolling or sitting idle, the all-new Police Interceptor Utility will change the way officers work. Everything about it was designed for keeping police officers safe, comfortable, and ready for action.”

Meanwhile, in New York City, the Ford Foundation is proudly taking part in the “Defund the Police” movement as mentioned on their website:

“We’ve seen our grantees at the forefront of the change that’s taken place over the last few days–from City Council of Minneapolis’s pledge to dismantle the police department to reimagine the public safety, to Mayor Garcetti’s commitment to divest $250 million of the LAPD’s budget.”

Founded in 1936 by Edsel Ford, the Ford Foundation is one of the country’s most recognized charitable organizations. In 2019, it handed out $500 million in grants to promote a “just, fair, and peaceful world with opportunity for all.”

Now, for the first time since 1976, a member of the Ford Motors dynasty sits on the Board of the Foundation.  Henry “Sony” Ford III, the Director for Investor Relations for Ford Motor Company joined the Foundation’s Board of Trustees in February 2019 to help drive its “racial injustice” agenda.

Mr. Ford oversees grant-making policies, management and governance at the Foundation. He also serves as a public ambassador for the Foundation’s work. The move was aimed at giving the Ford Foundation more legitimacy as it presses forward with its social justice policies, but it could spell trouble for the Ford car company.

Since 2016, Ford Foundation has given roughly $7.8 million to Black Lives Matter and other similar groups through a partnership with Borealis Philanthropy.  These groups are now the public face of the “Defund the Police” movement.  The movement was actually born from a group seeded by the Foundation back in 2015 called Black Youth Project 100 (BYP 100) at the University of Chicago.  Their mission was to “Disband, Disarm, Disempower” the police….Read More

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