Helicopter Crashes into Manhattan Highrise


A helicopter crashed into a highrise building in Midtown Manhattan Monday afternoon. The building is at 7th Avenue and West 49th, which is the address of the AXA Equitable Center. According to authorities, the helicopter was violating the 2-mile airspace restriction in place because of the Trump Towers.

Augusta A 109E helicopter crashed at aproximately 1:45 pm today. Only the pilot was on board. He is confirmed deceased. His name has not been released. The helicopter has been “obliterated”, making it difficult to retrieve the pilot’s body.

The pilot was flying under visual controls only (without assistance from ground control or towers) and never made contact with FAA authorities, an official spokesperson said.

Heavy rain, high winds and low visibility are currently being blamed for the accident. Early investigations suggests that the pilot became disoriented and tried to make an emergency landing.

Fuel is currently leaking from the crash site. Authorities are working quickly to contain it and prevent further fire threat. Employees in the buiding were ordered to evacuate immediately following the crash.

The accident is still under investigation and the situation is developing rapidly.

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