Iowa Caucus Recount Decides Unambiguous Winner


The Iowa caucuses were a disaster for the DNC and the democrats as the tech which was meant to make results reporting easy did not function as expected. It over a week to finally declare a winner in the competition for the all-important Iowa votes, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Senator Bernie Sanders, the current front runner for the Democrat party was satisfied with those results given the mess that was the Iowa caucuses, so his campaign demanded a recount. The results of that recount are now in.

Fox News reported:

The results of the Iowa caucus remain unchanged even after a recount by the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP), which was requested by the two Democratic front-runners, former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

“The recount process resulted in no change to National Delegate allocation,” the IDP said in a statement Thursday.

Buttigieg remained the winner in the state, with a marginally higher delegate count than Sanders: Buttigieg had 562.954 and Sanders had 562.021.

Fox goes on to say:

The caucus debacle that ensued on Feb. 3 — caused in part by technical glitches with an app introduced with the intention of simplifying voter tabulations — prompted backlash from across the country and forced the state party chairman Troy Price to resign just days after the fiasco.

The IDP said the party recounted presidential preference cards — which serve as a paper trail for voter choices in the event of a recount — from 23 unique precincts, including 14 submissions from Buttigieg and 10 submissions from Sanders, with one overlapping.

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