IT CONTINUES! BLACKFACE Pics Emerge In Yearbook Of NC Democrat Gov Cooper


Blackface and lynching images emerged late Thursday evening from a yearbook featuring North Carolina Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper.

The images uncovered Thursday show two members of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s Chi Phi fraternity in KKK robes and the depiction of a lynching with a man in blackface.

It’s unknown if Gov. Cooper is in any of the images.

Horrifying images emerged Wednesday show what's believed to be two members of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill's Chi Phi fraternity in racist pictures from a 1979 yearbook
 Another photograph on the 1979 yearbook pages show two people blacked up
The images resurfaced after on February 2, Cooper tweeted about Governor Northam: 'This is a reprehensible picture that is deeply disappointing and I know must come with pain beyond what many of us can even understand, Resignation is the only way forward'
The image (bottom right on left page) shows two people wearing white robes similar to those worn by the Ku Klux Klan, depicting a lynching with a man donning blackface. The other (top left on right page) is also and Chapel Hill denounced the photographs from 40 years ago
Cooper's fraternity pages seemed to center around their sports activities 
UNC Democrats join John Ingram in campaigning for Senator Roy Cooper (left)
Another lynching image appeared in the 1979 yearbook for the North Carolina school 
Virginia Governor Northam's 1984 yearbook has caused uproar in the past week for racist images
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