Leading Climatologist Warns Predictions Not Close to Reality


leading climatologist is warning that nearly all of the computer simulations at the heart of the predictions of catastrophic, man-made global warming cannot be trusted with respect to a key measure.

At a meeting in the Palace of Westminster in London, Professor John Christy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville told MPs and peers the climate models are way off in their predictions of rapid warming at high altitudes in the tropics.

“They all have rapid warming above 30,000 feet in the tropics – it’s effectively a diagnostic signal of greenhouse warming,” he said. “But in reality it’s just not happening. It’s warming up there, but at only about one third of the rate predicted by the models.”

Christy’s remarks were highlighted by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a non-partisan think tank in London. The group says that while it is “open-minded on the contested science of global warming,” it is “deeply concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policies currently being advocated.”

Christy said a similar discrepancy between empirical measurements and computer predictions has been confirmed at the global level.

Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2019/05/top-climatologist-our-models-cant-be-trusted/#eIZRXyWFaJf0Ru34.99

Image Credit: Real World Gardener

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