Liberal Beats Incumbent in Denver Race, Spews Communist Rhetoric


A runoff election held Tuesday saw three Denver city council candidates reportedly defeating incumbents. Candi CdeBaca, who just upset the incumbent city council president, has been stating her beliefs that capitalism is a failed system and it is time for a more communal approach.

In a video explaining her platform she states:

“I don’t believe that our current economic system actually works. Capitalism by design is extractive and in order to generate profit in a capitalist system, something has to be exploited, that’s land, labor or resources. “

She goes on to say:

“We’re in late stage capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we’ve got to move into something new, and I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources. And so, whatever that morphs into I think is what will serve community the best and I’m excited to usher it in By Any Means Necessary.”

The tweet announcing her victory didn’t get much attention. Presumably, more voters turned out for her in Denver yesterday.


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