A massive explosion in south Philadelphia has ripped through a gasoline refinery complex this morning. The Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery complex is one of the oldest and largest on the east coast.
The Philadelphia Fire Department reports that they received word of a vat burning pre-dawn around 4:05 a.m. Friday in the 3100 block of Passyunk Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia. The in-house fire brigade was already battling the fire and working to isolate the combustible product when PFD arrived on the scene.

According to witnesses, the massive fire erupted after the explosion in a vat of butane. The flames turned the early dawn sky orange and the blast was felt into South Jersey and Delaware County, PA. The fire is contained, but not out asof this writing. Toxic fumes continue to fill the sky.
No injuries have been reported, but at least one employee complained of chest pain. He was examined on the scene and released.
The situation is developing and will be updated as details are made available.