Attorney’s for Ghislaine Maxwell are trying to keep risqué evidence out of the courtroom. Nude photos and videos that are described as ‘sexualized’ have been sealed and her legal counsel is trying to keep it that way. Maxwell’s attorneys filed a protective order for the “highly confidential” at a Manhattan court on Monday, arguing the materials should not be made public.
“The highly confidential information contains nude, partially-nude, or otherwise sexualised images, videos, or other depictions of individuals,”
Said attorneys for the defendant.
The request further asks that the explicit media not be “disseminated, transmitted, or otherwise copied.’
Maxwell is currently being held without bond at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York, while awaiting trial. She is suspected of recruiting and grooming underage girls for the pleasure her boyfriend and associate, Jeffrey Epstein who was arrested last year. She was indicted on sic charges and has pled not guilty to all.
During the arrest of Epstein, FBI uncovered a cache of nude photographs of underage girls at his Manhattan apartment. His famous “little black book” of clients was also discovered. The book contained the names and contact information of a number of high-profile individuals, including politicians, actors, royalty and former heads-of-state.

Many are concerned for the welfare of Maxwell, hoping she does not come to an untimely end like that suffered by Jeffrey Epstein, whose death was deemed a suicide. As more information comes to light regarding the cruelty inflicted by this couple on unsuspecting young women and the names of those who took advantage of them, some believe the likelihood of harm coming to Maxwell increases.