My Pillow Creator Considers Run for Office in Minnesota District of Ilhan Omar


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell addressed rumors that he is planning to run for office in his home state of Minnesota, perhaps against Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, on “Fox & Friends” Friday morning following comments he made earlier in July.

“Well, the answer is not at this time. That was kind of taken all out of context but I did say if — if the Lord wanted me to run, I would run…” Lindell, an outspoken Trump supporter, said. “I would love to do it. But I’ve got such a big platform going on right now, and I want to help the president help turn Minnesota completely red, and get the right people in office that are going to just help our state to be one of the amazing states in the country.”

The “Fox & Friends” hosts pressed Lindell on whether he would challenge Omar, whose politics he has described as “horrific” on the Sara Carter Showearlier in July.

“There’s things going on you don’t even see. And I will tell you this, I’m going to do so much in Minnesota over the next year and a half, you won’t even see any blue,” he told Carter.

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