Nancy Pelosi Banned From House Floor After Deriding Trump’s Tweet


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was banned from speaking on the House floor for the rest of the day after calling a special session to reprimand President Trump for his ‘racist tweet”.

After a brief argument with Sen. Collins, Pelosi left the House floor, which is against the rules.

The chairman at the time, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, reprimanded her for the “personality-based” attack before “abandoning the chair.” 

The House voted on whether to strike Pelosi’s comments from the record as some ruled ruled the speech violated rules forbidding personal attacks against the President on the House floor. The vote on the motion to strike Pelosi’s comments has failed. The vote was 190-232 with no Democrats in support. Every Republican voted in favor of the motion.

Situation is breaking and will be updated as it progresses.

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