National Popular Vote Bill Vetoed by Nevada Governor


Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak surprised onlookers Thursday by vetoing a bill to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, saying it would reduce the influence of low-population states like his in presidential contests.

The agreement, he said, would upset the framers’ balance between small and large states and “could leave a sparsely populated Western state like Nevada with a greatly diminished voice in the outcome of national electoral contests.”

“For these reasons, and in the best interests of the Great State of Nevada, I veto this bill and return it without my signature or approval,” Mr. Sisolak said in his signing statement.

The Democratic governor becomes the first this year to reject the National Popular Vote, which would require electors in states that join the compact to vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote, instead of the candidate who captures the state vote.

My statement on #AB186: Over the past several weeks, my office has heard from thousands of Nevadans across the state urging me to weigh the state’s role in our national elections. After thoughtful deliberation, I have decided to veto Assembly Bill 186. (1/)— Governor Sisolak (@GovSisolak) May 30, 2019

The National Popular Vote has been embraced by Democrats eager to avoid a rerun of the 2016 presidential race, which saw Democrat Hillary Clinton win the popular vote but Republican Donald Trump win the electoral vote.

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