Nationwide ULTIMATE MAGA PARTY Scheduled For June 15


In big cities and small towns all across the country, Trump supporters are planning Ultimate MAGA Party (UMP) events to commemorate the anniversary of Donald Trump announcing his run for the presidency. The They are also in anticipation of President Trump announcing his run for re-election in 2020. The announcement is expected on June 18.

UMP Events are scheduled to occur on Saturday June 15, the day after President Trump’s birthday, and will be live cast in a variety of venues from 2:30-5:00 Eastern Time. Supporters can watch events live on Facebook, Tea Party Community, and American Voices. Sponsors for the event include #WalkAway Campaign, Citizens For Trump, The Black Sphere, Trump Committee of Arizona and Tea Party Community.

Anyone interested in holding their own event can find a UMP4Trump Party Kit , with suggestions for the making their event a success. Parties can be registered on the Ultimate MAGA Part website. Those interested in attending a party can find parties near them on the website’s interactive map.

UMP4Trump Map of Events

Thirty six parties are currently registered on the site.

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