NBA Commissioner: Affirmative Action For Coaches and Referees


The commissioner of the National Basketball Association, Adam Silver, called for an affirmative action quota to be imposed on the league’s coaches and referees in an event on Thursday.

Silver said that “going forward, it should be roughly 50-50 of new officials entering in the league. Same for coaches, by the way. We have a program, too. There’s no reason why women shouldn’t be coaching men’s basketball.” 

Silver didn’t seem to endorse a specific measure to enforce his preferred diversity quota during his remarks. It’s possible the commissioner is simply seeking to appear virtuous to progressives obsessed with establishing hiring quotas for women and minorities, even in male professional sports. Were his hiring quota ever to be implemented, it would likely end in disaster and incur a massive backlash from fans and players.

Some women already officiate in professional basketball and the NBA. However, it comes naturally most that men will be more inclined to pursue a career involving a men’s professional sport, including officiating and coaching. Were Silver’s unlikely proposition ever to be implemented, it’s likely that the relatively small pool of female basketball referees would be stretched thin to even provide qualified referees, while the process of becoming an NBA referred would become doubly difficult for men.

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