NYPD Commissioner Steps Down, De Blasio Names Successor


Mayor Bill De Blasio announced that New York Police Commissioner,  James O’Neill will be moving on to a job in the private sector. In a statement today, O’Neill said:

I came into this job with one mission: to fight crime and keep everybody safe, and we did it and continue to do it.

O’Neill has served as New York Police Commisisoner for three years.

De Blasio has named Dermot Shea, who served under Commissioner O’Neill as Chief of Detectives, as O’Neill’s successor. De Blasio said of Shea:

Dermot is one of the best prepared incoming police commissioners this city has ever seen.

Dermot was born and raised in Sunnyside, New York and has been a member of the force for 28 years.

De Blasio called him “a New Yorker, through and through.”

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