Op-Ed: Turkish Coup – 5 Year Anniversary


The following is an op-ed submitted to TWP by K. Ekim Alptekin. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily those of The Washington Pundit or its management.

Five years ago, on July 15, 2016, followers of Fethullah Gülen in the Turkish Armed Forced attempted to violently overthrow the democratically elected government and seize power. With Fethullah Gülen residing in the U.S. as a legal permanent resident, it became crucial for us to help our American allies understand the threat that he constitutes.

(Rumble Link) Excerpts from the ABC News Nightly News segment about the July 15, 2016 coup attempt in Turkey

Immediately after the coup attempt, Turks mobilized to save the Republic. On my own account, as a businessman chairing the Turkish-U.S. Business Council, I tried to rise to the occasion by engaging a team of American experts who enjoy credibility, to independently research the crimes of Gülenists. I also met with Members of Congress and other American decision-makers. To illustrate the magnitude of the national trauma we had suffered, I would refer to the night of July 15 as our 9/11.

World Trade Center Memorial lights showing the position of the fallen towers
(Rumble Link) K. Ekim Alptekin on the Tracy Beanz UncoverDC podcast describing the trauma felt across Turkey as a result of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt

Since then, after studying the American civil war more closely, I realize that a better comparison exists. During the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, the Turkish people knew that in the absence of a strong response the government would fall and our unity and the Republic would be lost; perhaps forever. Parliament, the Presidency, Police Headquarters, the National Intelligence Agency were among the many buildings attacked. Hundreds of people including the Joint Chiefs of Staff were detained. F-16’s and tanks aimed and fired on civilians. The enemy was no ordinary terrorist group and no outside enemy either; they came from within. In similarity with Lincoln’s government faced with a domestic rebellion, the highest priority of Turkey’s leaders was to preserve the Republic.

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln as U.S. President

For decades followers of Fethullah Gülen infiltrated key positions in civilian government and in the military. After their true face became visible to even the AK Party government with whom they used to be aligned, their civilian and judicial infrastructure has been largely dismantled. Desperate to survive, they chose to activate their cells in the military.

(Rumble Link) Excerpts from the 60 Minutes exposé “The Gülen Movement” which originally aired in May 2012

In my opinion, the least likely scenario after the coup attempt, a quick containment of the military, has materialized. A more likely outcome would have been civil war in Turkey. The government was faced with the decision to either ask loyal forces to fight and defend the constitution or to surrender and save the peace. The leadership shown by President Erdoğan and the determination of the Turkish people prevented Turkey from gliding into chaos. Like Abraham Lincoln, Erdoğan chose to fight to save the Republic. Although a civil war in Turkey is no longer an option, our fight is not over. Faced with similar stakes, the Lincoln administration chose to suspend habeas corpus and infringed on civil liberties by imprisoning one-third of the Maryland legislature, imprisoned reporters of newspapers and declared martial law.

Weapons leftover on the Bosporous Bridge in Istanbul by soldiers involved in the July 15th, 2016 coup attempt in Turkey

Despite the obvious truth that we are also facing an existential threat, you, our long-time ally, criticize our response and express outrage with the way we handle this struggle. And yet you offer no word of condemnation to those who wage war on us, kill our children, our teachers, our police men and women, our soldiers, our doctors, our sons and daughters. They try to violently overthrow our government, bomb our parliament and kill our citizens. And yet you offer no action against these terrorists who find safe harbor on your soil. From your cities, enjoying the safety that you provide them, they continue to terrorize our Republic and offer hope to their followers that a new spring will come. And yet you expect that we, Turkey’s civil society, join you in criticizing our own government. I see no honor in that.

(Rumble Link) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in 2016 responding to questions about the United States willingness to extradite cleric Fethullah Gülen

Surely our elected officials make mistakes, and they may have a different world view than some of us, but in their fight to preserve the Republic from which all our rights are derived, out of many, we are one. Gülen is not an opposition leader. Turkey in its entirety including its opposition, even the more marginal Kurdish nationalist party, agrees on the need to bring Fethullah Gülen and his henchmen to justice.

FETÖ leader Fethullah Gülen

The United States has to make a choice between a long-time ally with whom it has fought shoulder to shoulder in every major conflict since the Second World War, 80 million united Turks, or a dangerous psychopath pretending to be a peaceful Muslim cleric with a network of schools in the United States.

(Rumble Link) Excerpts from the 60 Minutes exposé “The Gülen Movement” which originally aired in May 2012

General Flynn, after researching Gülenist activities on U.S. soil at my behest, made it clear what his choice would be in his op-ed on election day 2016. I agree on his analysis of Gülenists, but I did not commission this op-ed which, contrary to Turkish foreign policy, also refers to the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

(Rumble Link) K. Ekim Alptekin explains how he became acquainted with Gen. Michael Flynn and how he went on to hire the Flynn Intel Group himself

The Gülenist PR machine, paid for from the hundreds of millions of dollars Gülenist charter schools receive each year from American taxpayers, went to work to convince mainstream media that Lt. Gen. Flynn, one of America’s most decorated warriors and a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was an agent of the Turkish government. Emboldened by the willingness of liberal media, absent any evidence, to believe an American General who has served in the front lines for decades committed treason, they pushed further and tried to convince U.S. prosecutors that a crime was committed.

(Rumble Link) K. Ekim Alptekin discusses the allegations against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn made by the Mueller Investigation Special Counsel prosecutors

Seven months after the only meeting I organized that was attended by General Flynn, former CIA director Jim Woolsey came out and lied to the American public about the nature of that meeting. I can only guess why Woolsey was willing to blatantly lie but six months earlier during a New York lunch he aggressively tried to convince me to hire him instead of the Flynn Intel Group for a meager 10 Million dollars.

(Rumble Link) K. Ekim Alptekin discussing former CIA Director James Woolsey’s allegations about kidnapping plot of Fethullah Gülen with Tracy Beanz

General Flynn may be many things but he is certainly not an agent of any foreign government. The time has come for American decision-makers to make the right choice between an Islamist imam who pretends to be a prophet and a decades old NATO ally.

TWP Editor’s Note: For more about K. Ekim Alptekin’s story and his political targeting by the U.S. Dept. of Justice, please visit Justice4Ekim.com

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