Oregon GOP Begins Effort to Recall Democrat Governor


The Oregon Republican Party’s chairman on Monday launched an effort to recall Democratic Gov. Kate Brown following a combative legislative session.

Bill Currier cited Brown’s support for a cap-and-trade program and a bill granting driving privileges to immigrants in the country illegally among his reasons for trying to institute a recall.

According to the office of the Oregon Secretary of State, Currier needs to collect 280,050 signatures from registered voters by 5 p.m. on Oct. 14 or the recall effort will be voided.

If the signature number is reached, Brown can either resign or release an explanation for her decision to stay that would be included on a recall ballot for a special election 35 days later.

Currier in particular pointed to Brown’s announcement the day after lawmakers went home last month that, if necessary, she would use executive powers to implement climate change policies similar to the plan defeated in Salem earlier this year after Republican lawmakers fled the capital to avoid giving Democrats a quorum.

“[Brown] has threatened to usurp legislative power with executive orders to implement her failed legislation, deciding single-handedly what is best for Oregon,” Currier wrote in the petition. “This is not the Oregon way.”

Monday was the first day opponents could file petitions to recall Brown, who has served six months of her second term after winning reelection in November.

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