PAC Founded By AOC Under Investigation for Financial Discrepancies


The Federal Election Commission (FEC) notified the Justice Democrats, a left-wing political action committee (PAC), that it was under investigation for a series of financial discrepancies.

The Justice Democrats is a PAC that was founded by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her current chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti. Both served as board members from the PAC’s conception until Ocasio-Cortez announced her congressional bid.

As IJR previously reported, Chakrabarti’s business dealings and his campaign work have prompted several FEC complaints. He owned Brand New Congress, an LLC and managed Brand New Congress’s PAC. A report from Republican strategist Luke Thompson accused Ocasio-Cortez of paying Chakrabarti’s LLC, who then turned around and cut a check to her boyfriend Riley Roberts via the PAC, as a way of dodging disclosures.

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