About a dozon violent protesters who were arrested during various raucous riots in Portland, Oregon were required to sign documentation barring them from attending protests as a condition of release from jail. They are also barred from coming within five blocks of the federal courthouse or possession of own, possess, or control any weapons including fireworks, mortars and lasers.
The order stated:
IT IS ORDERED that the release of the defendant is subject to the following conditions:
(1) The defendant shall not commit any offense in violation offederal, state or local law while on release in this case.
(2) The defendant must cooperate in the collection of a DNA sample if the collection is authorized by 42 U.S.C § 14135a.
(3) The defendant shall immediately advise the court through pretrial services or defense counsel in writing of any change in
address and telephone number.
(4) The defendant shall appear at all proceedings as required and shall surrender for service of any sentence imposed as direeted.
The defendant shall next appear as directed by U.S. District Court.
Additional Conditions of Release
IT IS FURTIHR ORDERED tbat the defendant be released provided that the defendant:
• Do not participate in any protests, demonstrations, rallies, assemblies while this case is pending.
• Do not enter within a five-block radius of the u.S. Courthouse at 1000 SW Third Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, except on
official court business and with prior approval of Pretrial Services.
• Neither own, possess, nor control any firearm (or any weapon, fireworks, mortars, lasers).

The decree, termed the “Order Setting Conditions of Release” was signed by Magistrate Judges John V. Acosta and Jolie A. Russo of the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. It remains unclear whether the justices themselves were the source of the order, or if a higher authority made it a requirement for release.
Critics are reporting that some of the orders forbid defendants from attending protests in all of Oregon, while others forbid protests in Portland or failed to name any particular geographic area. They also charge that this is a potential infringement of the first amendment rights of those arrested, despite gag orders being a common practice in court cases. The jailed protesters are required to adhere to the order while their cases are pending.