President Trump Addresses the Nation Amid Widespread Civil Unrest


In a White House address to the nation, President Trump announced he is mobilizing several actions geared towards ending riots and lawlessness occuring in cities across the nation. He stated that he has strongly recommended to every governor that the National Guard be deployed national guard and that their efforts should “dominate the streets.”

He stated that, if a city or state refuses to comply, he will send in the military to restore order. He also promised to protect Washington, DC. He said a 7 pm curfew would be strictly enforced and those breaking the law would see severe punishment.

Earlier today Trump called governors weak and urged them to do everything possible to halt the violent protests.

Just prior to his Rose Garden announcement, DC police fired tear gas to disperse protestors near the White House. There was a strong police presence helping to move protesters awaay from Lafayette Park, which is across the street from the White House.

Trump was taken to a secure bunker last night after protestors breached the White House barricades. This was the first public appearance by the president since the protests began, though he has been actively tweeting his condemnation of the violence.

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