Rod Rosenstein Makes Admission About Page FISA Warrant During Testimony


Former Deputy Attorney General, Ron Rosenstein is the first witness to appear in front of the Judiciary Committee in hearings designed to get to the bottom of what happened during Obamagate.

Rosenstein, took the reigns after then Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation. He went on to appoint Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to oversee the Russia collusion hoax investigation. He resigned from his position at the DOJ in late April of 2019.

During questioning by Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, Rosenstein testified that had he known then what he knows now, he would never have signed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against Carter Page. He claimed that he was completely unaware of the flaws in the FISA process regarding Page, which were recently uncovered by Justice Department inspector Michael Horowitz.

The investigation by Horowitz and the Justice Department determined that the final two FISA warrants, one of which was signed by Rosenstein, were ‘invalid.’

At the time he was surveilled, Carter Page was working as an aide for the Trump campaign. He and several others associated with the campaign, were targeted by intelligence officials as a means of spying on the Trump campaign. The Horowitz investigation unearthed exculpatory information that was withheld from the court. This was also true in the case of Gen. Michael Flynn and George Papadapoulos.

Rosenstein told Graham that this ‘among other reasons’, were the reasons he would not have signed the warrant. Rosenstein went on to blame the FBI for problems with the FISA warrants, but defended the Russia probe as a whole.

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