Romney Decides On Trump Impeachment Vote


Senator Mitt Romney, who voted to hear witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump has decided that he will also vote to convict Trump on abuse of power. Romney said he felt the evidence was overwhelming and the president’s defense unconvincing.

Romney states he will vote against the second article of impeachment.

“There’s no question that the president asked a foreign power to investigate his political foe,” Romney said. “That he did so for a political purpose, and that he pressured Ukraine to get them to do help or to lead in this effort. My own view is there there’s not much I can think of that would be a more egregious assault on our Constitution than trying to corrupt an election to maintain power. And that’s what the president did.”

This makes Romney the first republican to break ranks with his party and vote for impeachment of the 45th president of the United States.

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