Solo Protester Promptly Removed From Greenville, N.C. Trump Rally


A lone wolf protester briefly disrupted Donald Trump’s Keep America Great Rally last night in Greenville, NC. In the middle of Trump’s speech, the bearded man stood up and began yelling at Trump and waving a small photo-copied photo. The picture was of Trump with Jeffrey Epstein with the words “CHILD RAPIST” across it.

The crowd at the sold-out 8,000-seat arena booed as the man, screamed and waved the photos after Trump began commenting on Rep. Ilhan Omar and the other members of the freshman Democrat Congresswomen “squad.” 

The protest lasted only a few seconds as a member of the crowd took it into his own hands to grab the man behind a conveniently located “Keep America Great” banner, subduing the protester until security to take him away.

The protester, who was wearing a red MAGA in order to blend in with the crowd, was seen flipping the hat backwards off of his head as he was being escorted out of the packed arena in handcuffs.

Trump jokingly said after the brief disturbance:

He goes home now to mommy and he gets reprimanded, and that’s the end. Sorry mom, didn’t mean to embarrass you mom.

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