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Tag: Flynn

Deep State ‘Catch-22’ Trap of General Flynn

For anyone following the saga of Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.), the one theme that helps explain the case is: It Just Never...

GSA Helped The FBI Use The Logan Act to Spy on...

In our last article, we went through a series of warrants related to the U.S. Dept. of Justice (DOJ) investigation of Lt. Gen. Michael...

The DOJ Used The Logan Act to Obtain Warrants Against General...

Recently, we broke the story confirming that the FBI did, in fact, obtain surveillance warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court or...

Flynn FISA: Pientka Resurfaces

As first reported by Tracy Beanz of UncoverDC and Adam Carter of The Washington Pundit, some stunning details were included in Lt. Gen. Michael...

Former Flynn Intel Group Business Partner Bijan Kian Granted New Trial...

As first reported by Josh Gerstein of Politico, former Flynn Intel Group (FIG) and business partner of Lt. Gen Michael T. Flynn (Ret.), Bijan...

New Evidence Emerges Of Eric Holder’s Role In Flynn Setup

Recently, K. Ekim Alptekin was interviewed on the Dark to Light Podcast (D2L) with Tracy Beanz. Alptekin addressed the current status of the case...

Bijan Kian’s Legal Team Seeks Classified Flynn Communications

More unusual news has been coming out of the trial of former Flynn Intel Group (FIG) and Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn (Ret.) business...

Op-Ed: Turkish Coup – 5 Year Anniversary

The following is an op-ed submitted to TWP by K. Ekim Alptekin. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are their own and not...

Biden DOJ Has An Inherent Conflict Of Interest In The Trial...

Based on stunning recent reports by TWP, Duvar English, and veteran journalist Cüneyt Özdemir, we now know Jim Biden (Joe Biden's brother) and...

Why Did Biden’s Brother Visit Ekim Alptekin, Central Figure In The...

On March 5th, NewsMax correspondent John Gizzi asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki a seemingly innocuous question during the White House Daily Briefing that garnered...

Op-Ed: Natalie Edwards Was The Whistleblower Nobody Really Heard

The following is an op-ed. The views and opinions expressed by the author are their own and not necessarily those of The Washington Pundit...

Natalie Edwards – Solely Accountable

Almost from day one, leaking was a hallmark of the Washington D.C. swamp during the Trump administration. Unelected bureaucrats hostile to President Trump and...

UPDATE: 4th Circuit Denies Bijan Kian Petition For Appeal Rehearing En...

As an update to TWP's reporting on the continued persecution of The Flynn Intel Group, the 4th Circuit last week denied a petition made...

Brian McCauley: CIA’s Man On The Inside Of The Flynn Intel...

As recently reported by TWP, a three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit recently overturned a lower court decision in the trial of Bijan Kian...

UPDATE: DOJ Continues Persecution of The Flynn Intel Group

As reported by TWP back in December, a three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit heard an appeal on Friday of a lower court ruling...

The Deep State Targets Gen. Michael Flynn … Yet Again

For anyone following the saga of Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.), the one theme that helps explain the case is: It Just Never Ends...

Former FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Sentenced To Probation

It appears disgraced former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith put his money on the Deep State and bet on the right horse. The two-tier justice system...

PARDON WATCH: The Case of K. Ekim Alptekin

The Washington Pundit is doing a series of articles highlighting individuals currently facing unjust criminal indictment by the U.S. Dept of Justice (DOJ) and...

A Leftist Disinformation Campaign Is Underway, And We’re All Falling For...

As demonstrated in past reporting by Lee Smith and by TWP, Leftist media will often coordinate in disinformation campaigns meant to achieve their political...

Trump-Turkey Collusion Hoax – Part 4: Terror In The Poconos

Dr. E contributed reporting to this story (Editor Note: This is Part 4 of an exclusive TWP exposé series on the coordinated media disinformation campaign...