In response to continued anarchy that nearly came to the White House steps, President Trump has given the go ahead for federal authorities to arrest any person who destroys or defaces federal statues, monuments or other property. The vandals would face up to 10 years in prison for their offense. Trump cited the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act and other “pertinent laws” as the basis for the legality of his decision.
Trump made the announcement via Twitter.
The announcement comes on the heals of vandals who tried to take down the statue of Andrew Jackson at LaFayette Park across the street from the White House. When police stopped them, they went on to spray paint graffiti on St. John’s Church and began creating a barricaded autonomous zone they dubbed the Black House Autonomous Zone or BHAZ. Other federal monuments in the district, including the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II memorial have been vandalized in recent weeks.

Trump said the arrests would take effect immediately and might even be implemented retroactively.
There will be no exceptions.
Trump said.
Critics claim that the ruling denies citizens their rights to freedom of expression under the constitution. The rights afforded citizens is to ‘peaceably assemble’, not to destructively assemble.
At least a dozen statues have been vandalized in various states across the country as protests of the unjustified death of George Floyd continue. Vandals have targeted both confederate monuments depicting former slave owners, but have also vandalized monuments of General Ulysses S. Grant, who helped defeat the southern army to bring about freedom for slaves and end the Civil War.
If you look, they’re all democrat.
President Trum said of areas where the most unrest and destruction has occured. And he’s right.