Twitter Bans Marjorie Taylor Greene, Here is a Reminder of Who Else Got It


With the recent news of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (MTG) permanent ban by Twitter, just a quick reminder of some of the notable accounts that have been wiped out since the time of the 2020 election.

Name (Handle) / Description / Ban Date / Followers

DeAnna Lorraine (DeAnna4Congress)
Former Republican candidate for the US House 11/3/2020 394K

David Icke (davidicke)
English political commentator 11/4/2020 383K

Steve Bannon (WarRoomPandemic)
Former White House Chief Strategist to President Trump 11/5/2020 175K

L. Lin Wood (LLinWood)
Attorney 1/7/2021 1.2M

Jake Angeli (USAwolfpack)
Political commentator 1/7/2021 6K

Tracy Beanz (TracyBeanz)
Independent journalist & founder of UncoverDC 1/8/2021 827K

Sci-Hub (sci_hub)
Kazakhstani library of research papers 1/8/2021 185K

Michael Flynn (GenFlynn)
Retired US Army Lt. Gen. and former NSA under President Trump 1/8/2021 1.2M

Sidney Powell (SidneyPowell1)
Attorney 1/8/2021 1.3M

Brian Cates (drawandstrike)
Independent journalist & Epoch Times political columnist 1/8/2021 270K

Jim Watkins (isitwetyet)
Operator of 8kun 1/8/2021 24K

Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ)
Operator of 8kun 1/8/2021 587K

Donald Trump (realDonaldTrump)
45th President of the United States 1/8/2021 88.8M

Team Trump (TeamTrump)
Trump presidential campaign 1/8/2021 2.4M

Gary Coby (GaryCoby)
Digital Director for the Trump campaign 1/8/2021 25K

Scott Alexander McKenzie (SpyGateDown)
Former naval aviator, poet, & political commentator 1/8/2021 40K

Adam Carter (BoumtjeBoumtje)
TWP Investigative Reporter 1/8/2021 4K

Ben Garrison (GrrrGraphics)
Political cartoonist 1/8/2021 239k

Ali Alexander (ali)
Political activist 1/10/2021 198K

Mike Lindell (realMikeLindell)
CEO of My Pillow 1/25/2021 498K

My Pillow (mypillowusa)
Mike Lindell’s pillow manufacturing company 2/1/2021 46K

Shiva Ayyadurai (va_shiva)
Indian-American engineer & politician 2/2/2021 303K

Jim Hoft (gatewaypundit)
Founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit 2/6/2021 376K

Wayne Allyn Root (realwayneroot)
Political commentator 2/6/2021 122K

Project Veritas (Project_Veritas)
Independent media org 2/11/2021 734K

James O’Keefe (JamesOKeefeIII)
Independent journalist & founder of Project Veritas 4/15/2021 925K

Kangana Ranaut (KanganaTeam)
Indian actress & political activist 5/4/2021 3.1M

Eoghan Harris (barbarapym2)
Irish political commentator 5/6/2021 2K

Naomi Wolf (naomirwolf)
Political activist 6/4/2021 143K

Rebekah Jones (GeoRebekah)
Geographer & whistleblower 6/7/2021 408K

Nick Fuentes (NickJFuentes)
Political commentator 7/9/2021 139K

Nation of Islam (OfficialNOI)
American religious & political org 7/22/2021 62K

Audit War Room (AuditWarRoom)
Political activist group 7/27/2021 46K

Aubrey Huff (aubrey_huff)
Former MLB player & political commentator 8/10/2021 214K

Jean Messiha (jeanmessiha)
French politician 8/26/2021 164K

Alex Berenson (alexberenson)
Former NY Times science reporter 8/29/2021 343K

Greg Locke (pastorlocke)
Founder of Global Vision Bible Church 9/14/2021 113K

Emerald Robinson (Emeraldrobinson)
American journalist, White House Correspondent for Newsmax TV 11/10/2021 441K

Maxwell Trial Tracker (TrackerTrial)
Account covering the sex trafficking trial of Ghislaine Maxwell 12/8/2021 526K

Dr. Robert W. Malone (RWMaloneMD)
American virologist & immunologist 12/29/2021 520K

Marjorie Taylor Greene (mtgreenee)
Republican member of Congress representing GA-14 district 1/2/2022 390K

Maxine Waters can go to the streets and threaten violence on Twitter, Kamala and Ilhan can bail out Black Lives Matter terrorists on Twitter, CNN and the rest of the Democrat Propaganda Media can spread Russia collusion lies, and just yesterday the Chief spokesman for terrorist IRGC can tweet mourning Soleimani, but I get suspended for tweeting VAERS statistics.

Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth.

That’s fine, I’ll show America we don’t need them and it’s time to defeat our enemies. They can’t successfully complete a Communist revolution when people tell the truth.

Social media platforms can’t stop the truth from being spread far and wide. Big Tech can’t stop the truth. Communist Democrats can’t stop the truth.

I stand with the truth and the people. We will overcome!

Statement from Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene following her personal Twitter account banning

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