We The People Will Be Represented in the Texas Case Against, GA, PA, MI and WI


Since filing a lawsuit with the Supreme Court, Texas has been had 20 states, 2 legislatures and over 100 members of Congress write amici briefs in support of their efforts to seek remedy from four rogue States. The Supreme Court put the case on the docket and asked the defendants to file their responses by Thursday, December 10th at 3 pm.

The Amistad Project has now announced that it will also file a motion to the Court to represent the voting public, We The People. Amistad Director Phillip Kline announced the move in a Tweet late Thursday night.

Kline is the former Attorney General of Kansas, Director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, and a Professor at Liberty University.

The Supreme Court has been flooded with filings since the beginning of the week. While it has yet accepted the case, these additional filings make it much more likely that it will decide to do so. The Court meets this morning to discuss current cases on the docket. We will report any changes to the case as they arise.

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