White House Circulates Petition For Reform of Child Protective Services


Whistle blowers including parents who have had their children taken away by Child Protective Services (CPS) are speaking out about child abuse, human trafficking and the unspeakable consequences of having children separated from their parents by the federal government. Even the State Department’s 2019 human trafficking report confirms that human traffickers farm children from the foster care system.


A White House petition has been launched to investigate and reform CPS. The organization has been linked to cases of child human trafficking through the American foster care system. The petition, which was started by Olivia Pleasant, proposes to impact and investigate the organization. The outfit is heavy on funds which were allocated to them by a law passed under President Bill Clinton.

The petition needs 100,000 signatures by July 24th in order for the goverment to investigate the agency.

The petition states:

According to a release from the State Department from June 2019, children in foster care are the most targeted for human trafficking within the United States. CPS collects Title Funds afforded by a 1997 Act signed by, then President, Bill Clinton which allows states to get rich while keeping kids under state care. The number of children abused and killed under CPS care have sky rocketed and remains substantially higher than those who are abused or killed while under parents care. 27 states are delaying the implementation of the FFPA. We the people demand that the federal government act on nationwide CPS corruption. We propose a removal of funding to states delaying FFPA and a formal investigation into CPS. Family court denies parents and children their Constitutional rights.

The petition can be accessed here.

In a report by Big League Politics, they describe how many parents have had children taken away for not taking them to the dentist, or refusing vaccines for medical reasons. One case in Texas even took a child away for seeking medical attention for his condition.

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