Women Account for Nearly Half Campaign Funds Donated to Donald Trump


espite Donald Trump’s often rocky relationship with women, nearly half of the president’s 2020 campaign contributions this year have come from female donors, putting him in third place out of 15 candidates in terms of total percentage of donations from women.

Trump’s campaign raised $1.47 million in donations from women across the country in the first quarter of 2019, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics. The report is based only on donors who made itemized contributions of over $200.

Of the president’s campaign contributions, 45 percent came from women, while 55 percent came from men.

That’s a significant increase from 2016, when only 28 percent of Trump’s total campaign contributions during the election came from women. Hillary Clinton’s campaign had over 52 percent of their donations come from women.

Of the 15 presidential candidates analyzed by the nonprofit research group, Trump rankedthird when it came to percentage of total funds from female donors, and fifth in terms of the amount of money contributed by women. New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand had the highest percentage of funds from women contributors with 52.5 percent, followed by California Democrat Kamala Harris with 49.2 percent.

But when it came to how much money was contributed by female donors, Harris took the lead with $3.6 million. Behind her was New Jersey’s Cory Booker, whose campaign raised $2.2 million from women.

In total, the five female Democrats running for president who were analyzed by the group—Gillibrand, Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard—raised more money from female donors than the 11 male candidates studied.

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