Workers Tips May Become Exempt from State Tax in Wisconsin


Wisconsin could become the first state to exempt waiters, waitresses and other workers’ money from cash tips on their taxes.

A measure in the state Legislature would make it legal for people like servers, valets, golf caddies and other workers who are usually tipped to not report the money on their state income taxes. Workers would still be required to report their full income on the federal level.

The legislation is “the baby,” as he termed it, of state Rep. Cody Horlacher, R-Mukwonago. He said he introduced the bill because he knows most tipped workers depend on the cash. Horlacher said his experiences working at a golf course in college showed him the importance of a job well done.

“You are busting your tail, and at the end of the night, you would walk out with however much and you need to report that to the government even though the government has had nothing to do with helping you actually bus those tables, take those bags,” Horlacher said.

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