Thoughts on the VP Debate


There were two things that stood out to me during the debate; the issue of immigration, and the January 6th insurrection hoax.

Of course, being a retired Border Patrol Agent, the issue of immigration is central to my thoughts. I was recently trying to practice my French by listening to an episode of “Au Coeur de l’histoire” (At the heart of history) titled “Le crépuscule de Rome” (the twilight of Rome) with Franck Ferrand. He talks about the collapse of Rome and its sacking by the Goths, namely Alaric. Ferrand says that Rome was undergoing a demographic collapse at the time because it wasn’t having enough kids. On top of it, fully half of the Roman Generals were Goths. Those generals didn’t seem to fight their northern brethren overly hard when the time came.

At this point, I make little difference between legal and illegal immigration. They both are seeking to replace the native born population in both North America and Western Europe. The left calls it “replacement migration” and the U.N. uses the term frequently. The right uses the term “Great Replacement” and gets vilified as racist for doing so. It doesn’t really make any difference, the key word in both is “replacement” and that’s what it is.

During the debate Tim Walz (“Timpon”) said that immigration is down compared to when Trump left office. “Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes?” is what he might as well have said. It’s like when Alejandro Mayorkas had the nerve to say the border is secure. What border was he talking about? Was he just hoping that Americans are dumb enough to believe whatever lie is said on the leftstream media? Here is Timpon claiming that “Crossings are down compared to when Trump left office.”

In the meantime, actual statistics paint a very different picture:

In fact, the graph above doesn’t even paint the full picture because when Trump was finally able to get the border under control, this then allowed Border Patrol Agents to go out into the field and catch what would otherwise be “gotaways”-those aliens who did not surrender willingly to the Border Patrol hoping to be released. Going along with that, the graph doesn’t show how many gotaways there were under the Biden administration with all the Agents tied up doing processing, transportation and feeding of illegal aliens.

So, that’s one lie that Timpon told. The other has to do with housing costs going up with the increase in population. That’s another “Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes?” The very biased moderator asked Vance “Senator, on that point, I’d like for you to clarify-there are many contributing factors to high housing costs. What evidence do you have that migrants are part of the problem?” Yes, what evidence is there that an increase in the population would cause an increase in demand for housing, thus, driving up housing prices according to supply and demand economics class 101? The next day, Vance followed through on his promise citing the Federal Reserve, the Journal of Housing Economics from 2017, and a July report from the Congressional Budget Office. Vance could have also cited common sense.

Worse yet and not mentioned during the debate is how so much of the housing is being paid for by the American taxpayer. The left likes to hide the facts by playing around with terms. For instance, they will say that no illegal aliens (undocumented migrants as they call them) receive welfare. Well, under current interpretation, an illegal alien can give birth to a baby on U.S. soil and that child is considered a U.S. citizen. (I would argue that’s a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment). The moment that baby is born, the child is eligible for welfare under the SNAP and WIC programs, plus, they are eligible for Section 8 housing! Now, no baby is wandering into the welfare office and filling out the paperwork for that, it’s their illegal alien parents who are doing it (often with the help of NGOs like Catholic Charities). So, a layman would get the impression that, yes, illegal aliens are receiving Section 8 housing.

Another way that they play fast and loose with the terminology is with political asylum. An illegal alien can cross the border and make a bogus application for political asylum (they are all lying about needing asylum, all). The moment they receive political asylum, they are then considered refugees and no longer illegal aliens. They are then eligible for Section 8 housing. “The Trump Administration took a number of administrative actions to change the treatment of housing assistance in public charge determinations and the treatment of mixed-status families in housing programs; these actions have been reversed by the Biden Administration.”

Here are some local cases where illegal aliens (fake refugees) are getting free housing courtesy of you:

This one is in Maine where aliens get two years of free rent with utilities and everything paid for by American taxpayers.

Here’s an x/twitter post by a woman claiming to live in Springfield, Ohio where she has a friend who was paying $600 in rent a month. The friend was kicked out by illegal aliens (Haitians on Temporary Protected Status) when the Haitians offered to pay $1,800 a month.

We are paying for our own demographic replacement. In Florida, it is being reported that immigrants are getting full medical care paid for by the American taxpayer. Don’t believe me, please click on this link and the previous ones.

During the debate, JD Vance pushed back against the CBP One App. From the Center For Immigration Studies ongoing series “Parsing Immigration Policy, Episode 108, What is the CBP One App“?

“The CBP One app is one of the latest tools the Biden administration is using to funnel illegal immigrants into the United States, while obfuscating the true scope of the border crisis. As Mark Krikorian, host of Parsing Immigration Policy and executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, puts it, the app allows illegal immigrants to ‘essentially schedule their illegal immigration into the United States.’

Andrew Arthur, the Center’s resident fellow in law and policy and a former immigration judge, joins this week’s podcast to discuss the creation of the CBP One app and how it operates. At its inception during the Covid pandemic in October 2020, the CBP One app was intended to allow legitimate travelers to schedule appointments at ports of entry to limit the amount of time that travelers were spending face-to-face with CBP officers.

However, the Biden administration now uses the app to allow travelers arriving without proper documentation to enter the United States – travelers who normally would have no right to enter the country. Migrants can only make appointments through the app in Mexico and Central America, which has encouraged aspiring illegal immigrants to employ smugglers. There is also now a huge backlog of migrants in Mexico waiting for appointments through the CBP One app.

In his closing commentary, Krikorian highlights the deceptive CBP border numbers released this week. The Biden administration reports a 70 percent reduction in unlawful entries “between ports of entry.” However, closer inspection of the numbers shows that the Biden administration has simply allowed illegal immigrants to enter at ports of entry using the CBP One app, so they appear ‘legal.'”

Some states like Texas have been pushing back against the Mayorkas administration’s use of loopholes to circumvent immigration restrictions. Texas AG Ken Paxton is trying to stop the “Parole in Place” policy.

The Haitians in Springfield, Ohio are on Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a program that I believe should never have come into existence and serves as a loophole around all other laws designed to stop illegal immigration.

Another thing the Mayorkas administration is doing (face it, Biden is not running the country and never was) is using parole to get as many illegal aliens into the United States as possible. Again, from the Center for Immigration Studies article titled “The Pernicious Perversion of Parole“: “The Department of Homeland Security may temporarily ‘parole’ aliens into the U.S. only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” And, “…the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals found that ‘DHS cannot … parole aliens en masse; that [is] the whole point of the ‘case-by-case’ requirement’ and that ‘DHS’s pretended power to parole aliens while ignoring the limitations Congress imposed on the parole power [is] … misenforcement, suspension of the INA, or both.'”

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century".

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.

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