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Andrew F. Morrison

20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University. Grew up partly in Europe.

The Manchurian Candidate Assassin?

"If you think you have the moral high ground, that's a very dangerous position and you can do some really dreadful things...You see it...

MKULTRA For Use On Conservatives

The other day, I was opening up the internet with Firefox Mozilla.  Usually, I ignore their headlines because I’m so used to seeing left...

Lawfare Against Trump Explained

Where to begin? When I was on the job, we had intel analysts who could draw up what are called I-2 charts with...

Are Immigrants Voting Part 2

(Spoiler alert, if the alien thinks they are a citizen, then they can vote without punishment. Citizenship is just a state of mind). I was...

Are Immigrants Voting?

Are aliens voting in our elections? That’s the million peso question. Actually, I already know they are. To what extent is harder to say....

Predictions for the SOTU

Predictions for Joe Biden’s State of the (dis)Union speech. Right now, pundits are speculating on what Biden’s state of mind will be for his big...

Immigration Propaganda Followup

A few things have happened that lead me to believe that immigration patriots are on the defensive in this war for the hearts and...

Lankford’s Bad Bill

I’ve been listening to all the talk about the proposed Senate immigration bill. Because I view so much of the news as little more...

WaPo Open Borders Propaganda

In the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Trump, I remember reading a headline that the Democrats had used focus groups to figure out...

Obama’s Military Purge And The Impact on Our Southern Border

According to William Shirer in the book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, after Hitler attempted the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923...

Illegal immigration and voting

When I was growing up, my father would tell us random stories about when he grew up.  Some were tales of what to do,...

What is a country?

One of the things that I hear a lot of from Republicans is that "We have to grow the economy." Sure, the economy...

The Myth of Non-Violence

I had intended to write about this for some time. My focus was going to be mainly on the left wing protestors who...

Refugee Policy Post-WWII, From Tragic Dirt to Magic Dirt

A few nights ago, I was going through channels finding nothing on when I chanced upon C-Span 3 and a lecture titled “U.S. Refugee...

The Deceiver In Chief

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Larry Sinclair is out now. If you don’t have a Twitter/X account, you can watch it here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/sex-drugs-barack-obama-tucker-carlson-interviews-larry/ (Bottom video...

Bisexual Obama’s “Permission Structures”

But first, a story that might seem to have nothing to do with the title. Back a short eon ago, I was fresh...

Tucker interview of Capitol Police Chief

Tucker was let go from Fox News before this footage was aired, and it is only now coming to light. Someone leaked it...

“Sound of Freedom” & White Saviors

When I was on the job, we had a little bit of pressure to find and identify any human trafficking going on. Frankly,...

Anecdotal Story on Fighting Prostitution

A few years back, I was working intel out of the Buffalo Station. My partner and I got a phone call from a...

A Thought About Black and Hispanic Nationalism

Steve Sailer's recent speech at VDare had me thinking; we all know that black on black homicide is up.  The BLM movement, or, Ferguson...