Cat Memes and the Moron Vote


I was sitting in a bar in Maine years ago. This must have been around 2007 or 2008 and I was discussing politics with a local patron. The bartender heard us talking and wandered over. She interjected herself into the conversation to tell us who she was voting for (I no longer recall whether she favored McCain or Obama). I asked her why she was voting for that person and got a nonsensical response. I don’t even recall what her response was, but what I do remember (what stuck with me) was she then said that the only reason she voted against John Kerry was because he looked like Herman Munster! She then turned and walked away almost proud of her reasoning.

I was incredulous. That’s no reason to vote for or against somebody! But, she had made up her mind.

I remember reading that in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s defeat by Donald Trump in 2016, the Democrats used focus groups to see what people were thinking. They came to a few different conclusions, one was that calling people racist effectively shamed them into agreeing with the Democratic agenda, at least, as long as they were in the focus group. The other was that the negative memes going around about Hillary Clinton helped sway the election towards Donald Trump.

In any election, the most overlooked demographic is often the moron vote. I am saying this somewhat facetiously, but only partly. I am not talking about the open borders loving Democrats. I believe they are misguided and fanatical, but they are not necessarily dumb. They know the southern border is open and that’s fine with them. The moron vote may not actually be idiots. I’ve known two people, one male and one female, who both told me separately about voting, “Well, I listen to one side and what they say sounds convincing, but then I listen to the other side and they sound convincing too. So, I just don’t vote at all.” Fair enough. Not everyone is interested in politics. In the man’s case, he was a musician and all his spare time seemed to be spent listening to music and playing music. That was his hobby and passion. He really had no interest in politics. The woman was a “Swiftee”, so, who knows, maybe Taylor Swift’s endorsement will make a difference with her, but I doubt it. She just could care less about politics. They were both intelligent in their own right (got good grades in school), but had zero interest in politics. It’s sort of foreign to me because I am so political, but to each their own.

However, like the bartender who voted against John Kerry, there are also morons, and they do vote. In the 2020 election, roughly 66% of eligible voters turned out to vote. That was the highest rate in an American election since 1900. There’s an argument that because there’s such a large amount of non-voters in American elections, it lends itself to fraud as people may try to submit ballots in their stead. Some have argued that the higher turn out in 2020 was precisely because of the fraud.

I would also like to add that if you believe the American public is intelligent, then go over to Youtube, and look up Jay Leno’s “Jaywalking” series where he talks to regular Americans and discovers just how ignorant they are. Things like people who don’t know that Rhode Island is a state.

There’s another thing that is important to remember about focus groups. Even prior to Hillary’s defeat, it was known that whoever responds first to a question in the focus group often steers the response in a certain direction. If you don’t like the direction the conversation is going, it is best to pipe up right away and steer it in your direction. The longer you stay silent, then the harder it is to steer people back towards a different direction. So, if you see a story or something you believe is false, it is best to get out in front of it and go at it hard.

I experienced this in a different way. Being a retired Border Patrol Agent, I saw this happen at least twice in my career. The first time was labelling Obama the Deporter-In-Chief. Those of us Border Patrol Agents working at the time know this was a lie. As I wrote earlier, Obama’s administration hampered immigration enforcement left and right. They stopped partnerships between ICE and local police departments, they closed down Border Patrol checkpoints, limited our ability to do transportation checks, and released illegal aliens left and right so long as their criminal arrest records showed no convictions. I wrote about this previously in the article “The Deceiver-In-Chief“. The Republicans failed to push back against it, and today, a lot of people still erroneously believe that Obama was some kind of border hawk which is not true.

However, a few weeks ago, I was online commenting and someone claiming to be a conservative was lambasting Trump for not deporting even as many illegal aliens as Obama. After all, they called Obama the “Deporter-In-Chief”. I tried to enlighten him that what Obama had done was simply to recategorize some Voluntary Returns as Deportations so that his numbers went up on paper, but not in reality. The guy who I was trying to enlighten online essentially called me a liar and tried to share proof that I was wrong by giving me a CNN article. I shared with him my previous article, plus articles from the Center for Immigration Studies showing that the Obama administration was flat out lying. No good, the conservative commenter would not believe me despite me having been there on the ground witnessing it. The moron was too strong with him. His ignorance was impenetrable.

The other time I witnessed this was with the “Kids in Cages” hoax. I remember being told back in the 80s that a bumper sticker is more important than a well reasoned argument in politics. I remember thinking that’s not right. But, right or wrong, unfortunately, it is true. Michelle Malkin documented in her book “Open Borders, Inc.” how she was getting reports of kids being flown to New Jersey from the southern border. She reported on it. Did the mainstream media pick up on this? No, of course not, Obama’s a Democrat silly fools, and therefore, above criticism. In fact, many of the holding facilities for children were built by the Obama administration. When elected, the Trump administration tried to expand what Obama had done on a limited basis to more areas on the southern border. The propagandists hit Trump with the “Kids in Cages” hoax (sometimes even sharing pictures taken during the Obama administration) and it swayed public opinion polls, you know the moron vote.

So, now we are on to Springfield, Ohio. Someone shared on a Facebook post a rumor of a cat going missing and believed to have been eaten by a Haitian immigrant. Right away, the cat memes started. Then, Trump talked about it. Now, keep in mind that Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. When it comes to politics, the narcissist will try to get out in front of an issue more so than anyone else. When the crowd cheers about the issue, the narcissist internalizes it as the crowd cheering for him. We’ve seen this before with Trump’s Mexican rapist speech (and yes, they are sending us rapists). The left was in a tizzy over that one.

During the debate, Trump the narcissist sought to get out in front of the issue again saying something outrageous- that Haitians are eating dogs (wrong), and eating cats (true).

You have to love the propaganda. They insert that it is untrue even before they know the truth. A loaded question “Have you stopped beating your wife lately?”

So, let’s explore if Haitians are actually eating cats. First, do Haitians eat cats in Haiti? According to this woman whose father is Haitian, the answer is yes. Below, according to a missionary in Haiti translating for an elderly Haitian woman, this Haitian lady keeps her cat tied up to keep people from eating it:

So, yes, Haitians in Haiti eat dogs and cats. Fact checked true. In case you need more evidence;

Here’s the first comment from the comments section of the above article:

So, Haitians in Haiti do eat cats. I’m sure that once they hit the Magic Dirt that is the United States, they lose the taste for cat and only eat hamburgers, subway subs, and chicken.

Now, has anyone found evidence of some immigrant Third Worlder eating cats in America? Of course not. Don’t believe me or your lying eyes, this is not a cat on the grill. Even if the commenter in the video (who can see it better than you or I can) sure seems to believe it’s a cat.

Christoper Rufo has uncovered evidence of Congolese immigrants in Dayton, Ohio eating cats.

(Same thing but on rumble above).

OK, so Haitians eat cats in Haiti, but they would never dare do such a thing in Ohio, and Congolese immigrants eat cats in Dayton, but they would never do such a thing in Springfield, Ohio. So, so far, the liberals must be 100% correct. After all, Mayor Rob Rue claims that there is not cat eating going on and no politician would ever lie to make his city look better than it is. He claims he (or his staff) went through 911 calls and found no evidence of it. Oh wait, according to Judicial Watch, he may have missed one.

On top of it, here’s another local claiming he saw Haitians putting cats in a bag:

The local who claims he saw Haitians putting cats in a bag is more than likely a liar. After all, how do you get a cat in a bag? It’ll probably fight you the whole time.

OK, so you can put cats in a bag. But that’s not really Springfield, Ohio!

Even liberal former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson has admitted voodoo is real and Haitians eat cats. She says this will backfire on Democrats as they are proven to be liars.

However, most people don’t read past the headlines and most of them who do only read the first paragraph or so. (Congratulations if you’ve made it this far).

This whole article is a long winded way of just saying, “Cat memes? BOMBS AWAY!!!” Cat meme them to death.

More cat memes than you can shake a stick at with the following link:

Yes, the Republicans need to go after the moron vote, the Democrats have been winning with them for far too long. There’s some bartender in Maine who needs to know the truth!

Before I forget, CNN tried to get in front of the problem when they interviewed JD Vance. They falsely edited the interview to make it look like Vance was making up lies (“stories”) when in fact he was telling the stories of the people of Springfield. Here’s the full CNN interview allowing you to see how CNN deceptively edited it (I wouldn’t be surprised if they take it down if enough people view it):

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.