All 14 States That Have Voted to Quash Electoral College were Blue in 2016


File this in the “not surprising” cabinet. Of the 14 states plus the District of Columbia who have signed on for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, none of them voted for President Trump in 2016. So as of today, the 189 electoral college votes that have been promised to the winner of the popular vote in the presidential election were votes that went to Hillary Clinton anyway.

That doesn’t mean this isn’t a real threat. If they’re able to get to the 270-vote mark, the level necessary to trigger the compact and elect the President, that would mean they were able to take some states that voted for Trump in 2016. But that’s not the real threat, here.

As some states move forward with efforts to prevent President Trump from appearing on their ballots unless he releases his tax returns, the combination of the two efforts could make it literally impossible for President Trump to win reelection.

There were very good reasons the founding fathers did not want the popular vote to determine the presidency. The first and biggest is a fear of mob rule. Oppression by the majority is a natural and unfair concept that, in theory, could change the way our nation operates for decades to come. Because so much Democratic power is concentrated in large cities on the coasts, it is easier for them to unify behind a leftist message and dominate the elections. Democrat-heavy New York City has more people than 38 states.

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