When most people think about the Nazi regime in Germany, and the diabolical medical experiments performed on innocent civilians, the name most often associated with these inhumane practices is SS-Hauptsturmführer Josef Mengele, M.D., PhD.

Mengele is most remembered for humming classical music while deciding life and death for prisoners after they disembarked the trains that brought them to the concentration camps. But there were other people behind the scenes tasked with even more evil intent under the guise of medical “progress.” Although horrible in practice, Dr. Mengele limited his ghoulish efforts primarily to experimenting on twins. Other medical monsters, with doctoral diplomas, working behind the scenes, were Carl Clauberg and Horst Schuman.

Clauberg and Schuman focused their experiments on ways to more efficiently cause biological destruction of people. Their efforts were to destroy the “undesirables” as defined by the Nazis. For these men to carry out these inhumane and diabolical experiments required a significant administrative state, set up at all levels of government, working to one purpose: control of the population and the implementation of “directives” having no tangible weight in law based on the Constitution, and to implement clearly illegal acts of Deprivations of Rights under Color of Law:
The focus of this article is to illustrate the parallels being “legislated” (largely through Executive Order (EO) or contracts that bypass legislatures at the city, county, or State level); by the “administrative state” now in place throughout the US. The argument is that tyrannical actions are being used today in the United States similar to those in Third Reich Nazi Germany.
Today we see the beginnings of such a medical administrative state being set up, buried administratively in plain sight, via the Intergovernmental Agency Agreements (IGA) between the Federal Government, state and local county officials. These agreements are being “signed” throughout the state of Arizona by county Board of Supervisors (BOS). Moreover, similar IGAs are being executed in other states. In the three previous articles in this series, we detailed how the administrative structure is being setup across the country to bring about a total top down takeover of all local government and the curtailment of our freedoms via COVID-19 Pandemic procedures. These agreements, that are often “open-ended”, bind government officials to the directives of the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) for the current “emergency” as well as future undefined emergencies. The current head of HHS is Xavier Becerra.
When President Joe Biden declared an end to the COVID pandemic by signing the COVID Pandemic bill, on April 10th, 2023, this should have ended the COVID administrative state. You may recall during the pandemic, draconian measures such as quarantines, masking, vaccinations, social distancing, limited travel, restrictions on meetings (church, holiday gatherings), deferring necessary medical procedures, and lockdowns, all with questionable efficacy, were forced upon American citizens.
Even with the pandemic being declared over the Federal government continued to advocate for and to execute IGA documents. As with most initiatives originating from Washington, money was the “carrot” and the IGAs were no exception. In fact, each IGA typically brought with it “rivers of money” (sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars) flowing into county coffers. As mentioned earlier these new agreements contain future directives (not further defined) to be enforceable as directed by the Secretary of HHS. To be clear the government officials signing the IGA’s agreed to subjugate county citizens to the will of a Washington bureaucrat (ultimately Becerra) without knowing what that might be required. Although the authors have been contacted by private citizens as far as Washington State regarding the discovery of COVID IGA documents being signed in their state, we will concentrate on one state in particular, Arizona.
Maricopa County: This year, Maricopa County entered into an IGA with the federal government with the terms of the contract commencing on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024. On Page 31 of this document, the terms of the contract call for county officials to:
“Coordinate with and support partner agencies to plan and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) by developing and updating plans for isolation, quarantine, temporary school and child care closures and dismissals, mass gathering (large event) cancellations and restrictions on movement, including border control measures, in applicable jurisdictions. NPIs may reflect routine and incident-specific situations.”
Yuma County in 2022, entered into an IGA agreement with the federal government with the terms of the contract commencing on December 1, 2022 and ending on November 30, 2027. On Page 19 of this document, the background of the contract states: “The COVID-19 Pandemic has emphasized the critical importance of a robust public health system. The pandemic also accentuated long-standing weaknesses and created new challenges to the U.S. public health infrastructure. Public health departments and other public health partners need to continue their work to respond to COVID-19.
“and prepare for other public health emergencies that arise in the future.”
Cochise County in July of 2022 entered into an IGA agreement with the Federal Government with the terms of the contract commencing on July 1, 2022 and ending on June 30, 2023. On Page 4 of this document, the following requirements are terms of the IGA Contract.

Cochise County entered into another IGA agreement with the Federal Government in July 2023, with the terms of the contract commencing on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024. On Page 30 of this document, the terms of the contract call for county officials to:
“Coordinate with and support partner agencies to plan and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) by developing and updating plans for isolation, quarantine, temporary school and child care closures and dismissals, mass gathering (large event) cancellations and restrictions on movement, including border control measures, in applicable jurisdictions.NPIs may reflect routine and incident-specific situations.”
Pima County in July of 2023 entered into an IGA agreement with the Federal Government with the terms of the contract commencing on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024. On Page 32 of this document, the terms of the contract call for county officials to:
“Coordinate with and support partner agencies to plan and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) by developing and updating plans for isolation, quarantine, temporary school and child care closures and dismissals, mass gathering (large event) cancellations and restrictions on movement, including border control measures, in applicable jurisdictions. NPIs may reflect routine and incident-specific situations.”
Navajo County in July of 2023 entered into an IGA agreement with the Federal Government with the terms of the contract commencing on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024. On Page 30 of this document, the terms of the contract call for county officials to:
“Coordinate with and support partner agencies to plan and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) by developing and updating plans for isolation, quarantine, temporary school and child care closures and dismissals, mass gathering (large event) cancellations and restrictions on movement, including border control measures, in applicable jurisdictions. NPIs may reflect routine and incident-specific situations.”
Mohave County in July of 2023 entered into an IGA agreement with the Federal Government with the terms of the contract commencing on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024. On Page 30 of this document, the terms of the contract call for county officials to:
“Coordinate with and support partner agencies to plan and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) by developing and updating plans for isolation, quarantine, temporary school and child care closures and dismissals, mass gathering (large event) cancellations and restrictions on movement, including border control measures, in applicable jurisdictions. NPIs may reflect routine and incident-specific situations.”
Coconino County in July of 2023 entered into an IGA agreement with the Federal Government with the terms of the contract commencing on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024. On Page 1017 of this document, the terms of the contract call for county officials to:
“Coordinate with and support partner agencies to plan and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) by developing and updating plans for isolation, quarantine, temporary school and child care closures and dismissals, mass gathering (large event) cancellations and restrictions on movement, including border control measures, in applicable jurisdictions. NPIs may reflect routine and incident-specific situations.”
It can be seen by the above that 8 of the 15 counties in Arizona have rapidly signed completely new agreements for a pandemic that was declared over. Of note is the majority of the counties signing these IGA agreements are RED-GOP Counties. Why are these politically aligned counties the only ones having IGA Agreements being rapidly pushed thru now? Was this planned in advance given the currently proposed COVID-19 pandemic measures for the new variant? Is a new “pandemic’ being planned as a “cover’ for more election interference?
These agreements appear to have been rushed thru in July of this year. And now we find that the “signaling” from blue states shows a new push to ramp up the COVID hysteria, all for a variant that is far weaker than the original strain.
Why would all these counties sign new IGA agreements for a virus emergency declared to have ended months ago?
Who at the federal level of government is pushing this effort to get counties in the state of Arizona to sign these binding legal documents that effectively surrenders all control of the county to the HHS Director, Xavier Becerra?
Why is there no pushback from our State Legislature or US Congressional leaders in the US House and Senate to stop this?
It is the opinion of the authors that these documents constitute, for all intents and purposes, a violation of TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242, Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law which states:
Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.
The WHO Pandemic Prevention Preparedness and Response Accord, commonly known as the WHO Pandemic “Treaty” may soon be signed and its powers include surrender of national sovereignty to WHO directives in the event of another pandemic. These are the exact words from the Q&A page of the World Health Organization:
“Member States will decide the terms of the accord, including whether any of its provisions will be legally binding on Member States as a matter of international law.”

These IGA Documents bind state counties to the terms detailed in CDC guidelines. The CDC is a subordinate organization that receives its directives from the HHS. So in effect, the above “accord” has already De facto taken place with the mere formality of a formal federal signing of a “treaty” by the President. The assumption is that the current President will sign the Accord given how the federal government has already “primed the pump” with all of these IGA documents. Our only hope is our US Senators and the SCOTUS will step in to stop any implementation of such an accord by deeming it a “treaty” and declare it unconstitutional. The authors are not holding their breath they will do the right thing given how ineffective and damaging the first pandemic guidelines were, and how virtually none of our leaders stepped up to push back and protect We The People.
If the WHO Pandemic Accord is signed, it would make Xavier Becerra the most powerful man in America via the vast executive powers he would wield given the massive medical administrative state that has been setup via the WHO, HHS, CDC and these IGA Documents, that have been signed in this state and in multiple other states. As we began this article, the current medical administrative state in the United States dwarfs in size and power the Third Reich had in place prior to the implementation of “The Final Solution.” And the man who would be making life and death decisions across the nation would have a vast array of medical doctors, (think Mengele, Clauberg, Schuman), and enforcers such as the DHS, FBI and US Marshals, (think SS, Gestapo, Nazi Medical Corp) as well as local county officials that would be bound to enforce his mandates via these signed IGA Documents and the WHO Pandemic Accord. Nobody would be safe from the tyranny and there would be nobody left in government to protect us.

The single most disturbing aspect of this “medical administrative state” is the apparent willing compliance of so many Americans that work in each of these agencies (county, state, or federal). Without compliance by those who sign or execute the will of men like Becerra, none of the aforementioned betrayals could happen. It is beyond the point of identifying the obvious criminal and unconstitutional (State/Federal) actions being taken throughout the County since it is ever present and an everyday occurrence. When open ended contracts are signed by government officials, the document is null-in-void legally and is therefore unenforceable. Our border gates are welded open, FBI raids white collar alleged offenses, we see jailing of political opponents, etc. etc. The evidence is clear that men like Becerra have a tyrannical hold on the populace.
The “trappings” of legitimacy are present but in fact are only a facade. Not unlike Nazi Germany the government is controlling the people vs. the people controlling the government.
Watch for a new round of Executive Orders (State and Federal) to roll-out soon as Primaries near wherein men like Becerra will exercise these IGA’s to force, coerce, round-up and otherwise control citizens throughout the nation. The IGA’s are only a means to an end.
The questions facing all of us are: 1) is our Nation in a tyrannical state? 2) if so, who will resist? 3) how will resistance be characterized? 3) if no resistance now, then when?
Our only hope is peaceful resistance to this soon to be executed fascist tyranny on the American People. As Kentucky Senator Rand Paul stated in his historic address to the nation during the height of the pandemic via a videotaped PSA:
“It’s time for us to resist, they can’t arrest all of us. They can’t keep all of your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed. Although I’ve got a long list of ones they might keep closed , or might ought to keep closed. We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again.”
Credits: Many thanks to the contributing members of the AMICUS Channel on Telegram. Special thanks to LTC Pete Chambers, U.S. Army (Retired), Green Beret, Medical Physician and Commander of The Republic of Texas Rangers for his keen insight and knowledge regarding the WHO, CDC, and HHS Director Xavier Becerra. All of which were vital contributions to the completion of this opinion piece.