Antifa-Linked Group Plans 10-Day Siege on El Paso to Protest ICE and Border Patrol


When radical progressive Saul Alinsky penned Rules for Radicals, he had a variation of Antifa in mind. They weren’t to be the focus of his ideal leftist community organizing activism, but rather a tool to push the boundaries of civility so the less violent but equally radical “peaceful” counterparts in their movement would appear to be more pleasant and reasonable.

Groups like Antifa would be the muscle while organizations like the Justice Democrats would be the voice of radical reason that empathizes with the violent group while staying detached, even while pushing the same basic ideology. It’s a perfect plan to manipulate the ignorant masses, but America isn’t as ignorant as they need us to be. At least that’s my hope. Time will tell, but I still believe in American exceptionalism that includes the ability of the general public to see through the lies, cut through the media propaganda, and break the indoctrination many have received in college and the workplace.

Independent journalist Andy Ngo, who was violently attacked by Antifa in Portland a month ago, has found the latest plans of an organization that pretends like they’re not really that organized. They, in fact, are, and they’re using this to their advantage in their plans to descend on El Paso, Texas.

According to their website:

Local and national organizers are working together to build 10 days of trainings and direct actions for the Border Resistance Convergence in El Paso, TX – September 1-10th. We are calling on affinity groups everywhere to come together and help us address US-funded genocide and local concentration camps.

“Training” is straight out of Alinsky’s handbook. “Direct actions” are as well. These are indicators that there will be violence; just as Boko Haram teaches their “recruits” violence by forcing them to embrace violence, so too does Antifa intend to “train” their members in the art of domestic terrorism.

But this may not be the run-of-the-mill Antifa violence we’ve seen so far with milkshakes and crowbars. A report back in May could be a prelude to what the group has planned for their border protests.

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