Cartel Gun Battles in Mexican Border Town Spark Travel Warnings


Things are heating up along the southern border between Mexico and Texas. According to

The sheriff of Webb County warned people within his jurisdiction to not cross into the Mexican town of Nuevo Laredo, which sits just across the Rio Grande River from Laredo, Texas, as Mexican police have been engaged in gun battles with the cartel.

“Attention: Please do not cross to Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas right now. We have information that there have been intensive shootings between cartel members and Tamaulipas State Police. These shootings have been going on for hours now,” Sheriff Martin Cuellar wrote on Facebook.

“Please avoid these areas and do not cross over to Nuevo Laredo. It’s been said that high-caliber machine guns and explosives are being utilized. They are highjacking vehicles and disturbing the peace,” he explained. “Our prayers go out to the citizens of Nuevo Laredo.”

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