Conservative Independent Journalist Tracy Beanz Loses Home to Suspicious Fire


Tracy Beanz, Editor-in-Chief of Uncover DC, lost her home to a suspicious fire just days after she appeared on stage at the #millionMAGAmarch in Washington, DC. She announced the devastating loss in a tweet.

She did a live video to explain the details of what happened.

She was sitting at the kitchen table while her husband was cooking hot dogs for the kids. She smelled something strange and though the pan was reacting with the burner for some reason. She turned to find flames coming from the back of the house, specifically, the chair and area from which she does her news reporting.

Tracy yelled to her family to vacate and call the fire department. Her father, who lives close enough to run over, came to assist. They attempted to extinguish the fire with a garden hose, but it was too massive for the hose to make a difference. The flames became so hot that they melted the siding off of the house behind hers.

My house just went up like a tinder box.

Tracy stated that she doesn’t believe this was any sort of “targeted or nefarious act.”

She believes the fire was sparked from an electrical outlet, and said that they had been having issues with the lights in her home lately.

I have no reason to believe this was some kind of targeting because of my work.

A friend has started a GoFundMe for people to donate to Tracy and her family. But Tracy has suspended the campaign stating that she has insurance and does not want to take money that she may not need. She promised to ask for help if she needed it in the future and thanked those who’ve contributed already.

The Red Cross and Salvation Army found out about the fire and they brought my family clothing and blankets.

While her family is safe, Tracy did suffer from smoke inhalation after attempting to get her car keys from inside the house so she could move her car out of the garage.

It took the fire department nearly half an hour to reach the scene as the family watched smoke billow out of their burning home.

My podcast studio is gone.

But, Tracy said,

There are good things coming out of this.

I have a place to stay. I have a roof over my head. I have family… and you.

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